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We bring our praise to God for St Paul's Mill Hill, for every single member of our church family - from those who attend each Sunday, to those who come once a year for a service that has meaning for them, to those find it difficult or are unable to attend in person and watch online. Today, we ask God to help us grow stronger in faith, wiser in understanding His Word and more confident in hearing His voice leading us through each day.

We thank God for Millbrook Park and Messy Church, which will resume from October, meeting twice in October, twice in November and once in December this  Autumn term.

We praise God for all those who have recently joined us to worship in our church family, asking God to help us get to know each other better, as we continue to be a warm and welcoming community of Christians.

We pray for Messy Church as it starts at St Paul's in a couple of seeks time and we also pray for our Church Fun Day, taking place on 16th November this year, asking for God's vision and wisdom as plans are put together - thankful for the opportunity to open our church out to our local community.

We are thankful for our local schools, praying for children and staff at St Paul's and Millbrook Park, for the start of the school year and especially remembering those starting Secondary School, sixth form or university, that they know God's peace and have a sense of His guiding and equipping them for their futures.

We remember before God all those known to us who are suffering from illness or bereavement today, praying that more people will come to know God's peace in every circumstance they face, also remembering those who are living in countries where people are suffering as a result of natural disasters, or living in war zones.

We pray for the Scutt family in Malawi, praying especially for God's strength, wisdom and clear guidance for Chris and Hannah as they build relationships and continue to grow and expand the different areas of work they're involved in at the moment.

We give thanks to God for Becky, Rob, Zara and Samuel as they continue to settle in to their new home and our church family.

We pray for our nation, continuing to pray that God will raise up wise and faith-filled leaders with the courage to seek and implement justice, equality, truth and reconciliation.

We pray for the Church of England, for an increase in young people finding and growing in faith, for a strengthening and encouraging of leaders, for the Holy Spirit to work in power so that God's plans and purposes can be fulfilled in the lives of all His people.

We continue to pray for our brothers and sisters who are persecuted for following Jesus.

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